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Watch Out For Explosive Mediterranean Plants The Squirting Cucumber

This type of cucurbits is more common in the Mediterranean countries

especially in Algeria, and it is a type of perennial herbaceous plant

reptant, leaves triangle-shaped of green color, as well as fruits upon

maturity. Yellow flowers with 5 compact petals. The fruit contains an

extremely bitter liquid, used in herbal medicine that can be explosive

when touched when ripe, from the cucurbit family.


Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)

Class: Magnoliospida (Dicotyledons)

Order: Cucurbitales

Family: Cucurbitaceae (Cucumber family, squash)

Genus:  Ecballium

Species: Ecballium Elaterium

Life Cycle: Perennial

Flower Color: Yellow or White (1 cm)

Scientific name: Ecballium Elaterium

Common Names:

(Arabic)  Kithaa El himar

(Tamazight)  Fagouss El-hamir

(English) Squirting cucumber, exploding cucumber

(French) Concombre sauvage, Concombre d'âne, Cornichon d’âne


It is an herbaceous plant famous for its explosive fruits: a type of flowing cucumber that bursts violently when ripe and when there is any kind of vibration or contact, with the cucumber emerging in one direction and the seeds in the other. The plant is a climber.

Toxicity: Plants are poisonous.

Abundance: Very Common-Common- Scarce-Rare-Very Rare-Extinct

Flowering Time: Jan Fév Mar Avr Mai Jui Juil Aoû Sep Oct Nov Dec

Habitat: Fairly common on roadsides, in wasteland in the Mediterranean region

Altitude: 500m

Medicinal uses:

Treatment of asthma.

Treatment of epilepsy, autism, and inner ear disorders.

Treatment of osteoarthritis

Treatment of gout

Treatment of migraines

Treats weak sense of smell

Treats hemorrhoids.

Treats melasma.

Fights vision problems, scabies, shingles and obesity.

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